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A ROMANI Culinary Ritual


7PM - 9PM


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About thIS EVENT:

​​Join your slutty, stoner Aunties Bimbo Yaga and Moonbear as they lovingly share their kitchen witchery with you; presented by Romanistan Podacst & New Orleans Tennessee Williams Festival. This four course family style meal will feature inspired dishes of Eastern European & Balkan Romani family food traditions; with slight variations to accommodate gluten free & vegetarian guests. Following dinner Jezmina & Paulina will guide guest thru a brief tealeaf reading session. With live music from the renowned troubadour, Milly Raccoon & Viktor this ritual of food is curated to nourish your spirits 

Our menu for this event is subject to change.


The Menu


  • 1st Course: Pickled onion and cucumber salad with herbed smetana, in-house smoked cheese, buttermilk biscuits, gluten free corn bread & garlic honey butter


  • 2nd Course: Delicious gluten free & vegetarian Sarma, a stuffed cabbage similar to Golumpki (made with baked rice & mushrooms), and a gluten free kimmel soup


  • 3rd Course: A choice of braised winter greens with roasted eggplant & chickpeas topped with feta or braised lamb and curried vegetable stew all served over baked herbed rice


  • 4th Course: Baked apples with spiced honey and sweet cheese with tea, followed by tea leaf readings


  • Beverages: Iced Herbal Tea, Herb infused wine


  • Cost: $100 prix fixe 


Bimbo Yaga


Ylva Mara Radziszewski (she/they) is Bimbo Yaga, the Trans MILF of your wet dreams. She is a traditional witch and artist of Romani and Eastern European heritage; residing in Bulbancha (New Orleans) the traditional land of the Chitimacha Nation. Their ritual and art practice are interwoven; for them magic is art and art is healing. Founder of the School Of Traditional Magic, author of A Practical Guide for Witches, co-creator of The Living Altar, with writing featured in WITCHCRAFT an anthology of modern magical tradition by TASCHEN,  Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling by Jezmina Von Thiele & Paulina Stevens.

Instagram: @bimboyaga​​


Moonbear Aguilar (they/them) aka "Butylene O’Kipple," is a gender expansive, two-spirit artist and energy worker of Mexican, Indigenous North American, Romani, and mixed European heritage. Their 30+ years as a performer and musician continue to be fueled by curiosity and self discovery, while exploring the intersections of ancestor veneration, energy work, dance, mediumship and drag.


Instagram: @oh_moonbear​


Jezmina Von Thiele

Jezmina Von Thiele (they/she) is a writer, editor, educator, podcaster, and fortune teller. They write poetry, fiction, & nonfiction published in Prairie Schooner, The Kenyon Review Online, Narrative Magazine, & elsewhere. Jezmina is of mixed heritage and reads tarot, palms, and tea leaves in her Romani family’s tradition, both online, and in-person. Jezmina specializes in teaching creativity, art, writing, and literature workshops; divination; and other spiritual topics. Jezmina also tells fortunes and performs with The Poetry Brothel—Boston. They are co-host of Romanistan, a podcast celebrating Romani culture, alongside co-host Paulina Stevens. Jezmina and Paulina authored their debut book, Secrets of RomaniFortune Telling. 


Instagram: @jezmina.vonthiele



Paulina Stevens

Paulina Stevens (she/her) was raised within her Muchwaya Romani family’s fortune telling and wellness traditions. She was inspired by the holistic health movement, and in 2018, earned a wellness coaching certificate, and later began collaborating with nutritionists and herbalists to serve clients. She opened Romani Holistic Healing in Newport Beach, CA, a spiritual shop that also offers readings, house cleansings, and coaching with clients. She is the co-host of Romanistan Podcast. Featured on the LA Times podcast, Foretold, which tells the story of Paulina’s decision to leave her arranged marriage and community, fight for custody of her children, and start a new life, walking between the Roma world and non-Roma world. She’s currently studying biotechnology at Miracoasta College. 

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MIlly raccoon


Milly Raccoon (she/her) Trained by campfires and tavern jams all over the world, Milly Raccoon got her folk music start with traditional Turkish, Egyptian and Roma tunes for a belly dance troupe, honoring Roma heritage on her father’s side. Her current original music is influenced by classic country, early jazz, and other antiquated Americana. There is a connecting thread of spirituality, healing and liberation weaving through her work. 

Instagram: @millyraccoon

Listen to Milly Raccoon’s Music

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